Friday, December 7, 2007

My first entry

Today I spoke with my boss (J*) this morning at 6 AM PST and informed him that my brain tumor is gioblastoma mutiforme, the most deadliest manifestation of brain cancer. My boss is way cool. J* is intelligent, a great teacher, a hard worker, an excellent manager, a good communicator, and a very good person. My boss reassured me of my job and had other encouraging and spirit lifting things to say to me. I have to be the luckiest man ever.

I told my boss that I have some things going for me that will help me survive this challenge. I will elaborate on why our chances for me to survive this and to actually come out the other side mentally, physically and spiritually stronger are good in a later post. I told J*, "I have been training my whole life for a challenge like this. Long odds, high stakes (life/death), the ultimate payoff (life). Who could ask for anything more?"

I'm stoked! I have the best health care givers ever here near my home in Oregon. My radiation oncologist, oncologist, neurologist, anesthesiologist, rehabilitation medicine ologist, primary care physician, psychologist, cognitive therapist, and orthopoedist are all tops in their respective fields and good human beings. "The enemy of good is better.", Voltaire. More on this quote and these nice people in a heart warming story worthy of comparison to Jimmy Stewart's, "It's a Wonderful Life". I am also being supported by members of my beautiful Anusara Yoga community, and friends of mine that are into some far out, alternative, energy healing like Reiki, Angel Healing, Shamanistic, healing, all kinds of cool metaphysical stuff. I myself am a brand new, certified, level 2, Reiki practitioner as of November 11, 2007.

We attract so many beautiful, kind, loving people and excellent health care providers to our little corner of the world map here in the Eugene/Springfield area of Oregon. I think the formula is simple. We love each other and love where we live.

My neighbors have been wonderful caring stewards of my two beautiful German Shepherd Dogs, Mojo (10 year old male), and Salena my 12 year old female. The peace they have given me while I was in the hospital for a week during Thanksgiving and the next week at a friend's house while she was away on a business trip was enormous in helping me learn to relax and truly be at peace. I have never felt such peace in my life for such an extended period of time. The support and love of my local community of McKenzie Bridge, Oregon has been fantastic.

I have started my story but I need to receive permission from my friends, family, health care providers, and community to see if they would permit me to use either their first and/or last names in my PG rated story. They rock and give me much love and strength.

One of the things I am grateful for is I have been admitted in a clinical trial through the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Both the Willamette Valley Cancer Center (WVCC) and UCSF have been wonderful and confidence inspiring. I meet with my UCSF oncologist, (S*) on Monday. I am the luckiest human ever.

More very soon,

Peace and Love,


Unknown said...

Jack, thank you for being the positive inspiration that you are. I respect you for your upbeat attitude, my friend, and have since the moment I met you. I wish you the best. --Davey

Michael said...

Jack, I am so glad that you are my brother. We do not always see eye to eye, but I respect your viewpoints and ideas. I would be honored if you would use my name in your blog. I love you Jack! If anyone can beat this, it is you! If you ever need me for anything, I will be there for you. -- Michael

April said...

As always, I'm here for you too Jack. I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jack, I'm impressed and inspired with your positive energy and positive attitude. I'm a friend of your brother Michael and I wish you the best. I'm wishing that you get well. Because of your upbeat and positive demeanor, you can beat this.
My thought and prayers to you--Miguel

Bren said...

Jack, this blog was a great idea. Your courage and strength will get you through this. You will be our miracle. Love you! Bren :)