Friday, August 15, 2008

A Tale of Two Brain Surgeries Part I, I Can Pull My Head Out Long Enough

I have had two brain surgeries and I can boast to not have received one cut, scar, suture, bruise, or other mark which may indicate that my head was up my butt at the time.

I believe both surgeries were exactly what they should have been considering what we know and knew of my condition and the state of modern health care.

My first surgery was an emergency and came after three weeks of nausea, vomiting, intense headaches, and seizures which followed a knee rebuild surgery three weeks before. My latest surgery followed episodes of musical hallucinations and a grand mal seizure but otherwise good health, eating, and exercise. This surgery also has been monitoring the development of the brain tumor for 8 months and my first surgery was an emergency dealing with the tumor as a new phenomenon within Jack’s skull.

I attribute no scars on my butt to my ability to pull my head out just long enough to attend to important matters like my own brain surgery. I did make it through knee surgery without incurring scars on my butt as well but if I remember correctly, the head bone is not connected to the knee bone. Do not quote me on that, I am not a physician. The butt bone does get pretty close to the knee bone though.

Peace and Love,

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