Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dog Training, New clinical trial, Doggie Brain Tumor Hope


A quick post to stay relevant and be fun.

Mojo and I used to do agility dog training and competition and Mojo earned his Companion Dog Certificate from the American Kennel Club. Mojo is a good dog. We are doing a little bit of training while I am healing.

A couple of concepts I learned in dog training is to be interesting to your dog and keep dog training fun. Use what motivates your beloved dog like a cookie or a toy. Training can be fun for you and your beloved dog. I also believe the results will be more stable and consistent for you and your pup. The training you do for your dog can save his life.

I found a new clinical trial that offers hope for doggies and for humans. I am not on that clinical trial and may not be if my clinical trial works. I am taking care of my breathing, bones, bowels, and brains to keep my options open for future treatments. I'll tell you, preparing for another brain surgery is a repugnant thought for me so my thought is I am preparing for a long, hike in the wilderness next Spring to enjoy the spring wild flowers.

Peace and Love,

1 comment:

Cynthia Griggs Streltzov said...

Jack - I believe that people come into our lives so we can learn more about ourselves and share more of our love.

Meet you soon.

