Friday, March 7, 2008

March 7, 2008 I feel good, Belknap Bridge, Spring is in the Air, Investing in the Future


It has been awhile since I last posted but I feel good. Mom and Dad are visiting me. Well, they have been doing more than visiting. I'll tell you, senior labor is even better than child labor or illegal imigrant labor.

Next week I have some special blood work in San Francisco.

I saw a female mallard duck and what looked like a pin tail duck swimming in the McKenzie River above Belknap Bridge yesterday in the afternoon sun. Belknap Bridge is the pretty, wooden, white covered bridge near the King Castle Trail Head. I was riding quickly and practicing using reference points as I rode. I did not see obvious trout signs like bug hatches, fish feeding, osprey soaring, or Great Blue Heron hunting.

Spring is in the air. I believe the bugs and the rainbow trout will soon be hatching and feeding in the warmth of the new season. I will be fly fishing soon. It is time for me to buy a fishing license and wade in the cool, waters, of the McKenzie River.

I may invest in some guide quality, gore-tex, fishing waders this season. I feel good investing in those I love including myself. I have learned very much in the last 45 years. I am anticipating another wonderful, 45 years of growth. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. I am living today, remembering the goodness of the past, and planning a beautiful future. I feel very strong.

Peace and Love,

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