Saturday, March 22, 2008

180 Beats per Minute, Turkey Power, Vulture Totem, Cheap Binoculars, Day 3 Cycle 2, Standing on My Head


I was able to get out on my road bike yesterday for a quick ride around the gated community of Lake Wildwood. The speed limit is 25 mph so it makes for a good place for bicycle riding. There are a number of small hills. I was able to push my heart rate up to 180 beats per minute on one small hill. The recommended maximum heart rate for someone my age is 220 – 45 or 175 beats per minute. We will see if I cannot push my heart rate closer or over 190 bpm by the end of March.

I have been seeing many vultures lately and have been enjoying their seemingly effortless flight. Perhaps I will adopt a vulture as a totem animal? Perhaps vultures have chosen me? Here is a little blurb I picked up off the internet I thought you would enjoy. I visualize vultures and condors eating dead tumor cells and spiriting them away in my blood stream where the cells are eliminated through expiration, perspiration, and other forms of elimination. Vultures are powerful totem animals soaring to incredible heights using little or no energy.

I saw a gorgeous Tom turkey dressed up in his finest down the road from my parents’ house. His head was a gorgeous blue color and his feathers were all puffed up for the hens. Turkeys are a symbol for prosperity. They are beautiful animals. I did not see Tom drop any feathers.

I bought two pairs of cheap binoculars for bird watching and fly fishing this spring. I would like to buy a $1000 pair of quality optics but I think I will pay off medical bills this year. Next year I will build my home addition. In two or three years I may buy a new car if America or any country starts being a leader in building quality, alternative, fuel efficient automobiles.

I am doing well on Day 3 Cycle 2 of treatment. I did have some tinnitus in my left ear yesterday. I was able to manage the ringing by doing an arm balance and then a headstand. My Reiki friend reminds me now and then to “get into your body”. If I have a ringing in my ears again I will try my standard mantra first but standing on my head is a fun option and helps to build core strength, spine alignment, and the way I do head stands, shoulder and arm strength.

Peace and Love,

Jack Burton
"What won't come out anymore!"

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