Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chick Magnet, Breakaway, Sometimes Adverbs and Adjectives, I Am Grateful, I Am Home, I Am, Auspicious Day, Polarity Calibration, I Am Lucky

Aloha friends, family, and neighbors!

I am glad you like my temple scar. My scar is a chick magnet. I feel I may need to adjust the polarity of the magnetism towards attraction rather than the result it appears to have on women. It seems to get people laughing. Laughter feels good.

The chorus from this Kelly Clarkson song, "Breakaway", reminds me of a beautiful, lyrical, ballet dance my daughter Taylor performed a couple of years ago to this song.

"I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway"

Taylor is a very beautiful dancer. Taylor is strong. Taylor is light. Taylor is good. I love Taylor.

Sometimes adverbs and adjectives often ruin perfectly good subjects. Let us take the subject of unconditional love. Why ruin a perfectly good concept like love by putting conditions on love? Love is pure. Love is the eternal manifesting itself in order to experience bliss.

I am very grateful for the love, comfort, and support of my adoptive family in Eugene Oregon. The Wamalamadingdangs are very good people and gave my parents peace of mind knowing I was in a nice home while Mom manned the fort and loved Mojo and Salena while I was receiving radiation treatments in town.

Brenda and Lorin accompanied me to the Willamette Valley Cancer Center on my last day to receive radiant beams of healing energy this go around. They were treated to my strapping leather clad, radiation technologists, securing me onto the “treatment” table with my “gimp” mask tightly secured to the head of the hard, stable table. Shane and Rick explained the gantry to my friends as I took my last treatment like the bound and gagged person I was.

I am grateful that the Wams and the WMCCs were able to meet each other. They have both been very good to me. It is very wonderful to be human and to be overcome with sniffles and tears at the thoughts and feelings I have for the Wams and the Willamette Valley Cancer Center. The Wams met my Radiation Oncologist, Dr. Captain America and his nurse Tracy Titanium. My care givers gave me a fine exit interview. I will be back to say hello. I may even bring my dogs by to meet the dog lovers at the Center of the Universe.

I am home with my dogs. I feel good. I need to do that polarity calibration on my temple magnet. The forest is very quiet with over a foot of snow under the trees. It feels good to be home. If it were not for the noise of my laptop fan and an occasional pop from my wood burning stove, the silence would be complete.

I completed Cycle 0 of my chemo therapy and my 33rd of 33 radiation treatments. Other than hair loss and some fatigue I feel strong like a bull elk, powerful like a mountain lion, skillful like a Great Blue Heron, and quick like a hummingbird.

I just love images of beautiful animals and wanted to share.

I have a 14 day break from chemo therapy and then I start up triple my old dose of Temodar for 5 days and then off for 23 to complete a 28 day cycle. The clinical trial drug, Enzastaurin, will be every day until December 25, 2008. I think December 25 is a very auspicious day to end chemo therapy. I will take ending chemo on December 25 as a good omen.

My Mom is having a friend of hers call me every day while she and Dad are in New Zealand. It is very nice for them to do this. I am very lucky.

Peace and Love,
Jack, Mojo, and Salena

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