Saturday, April 12, 2008

185 bpm at Barbie Camp, Sacred Heart Medical Center, California, Trailers, Barbie Camp, Turkeys, MRI on Tax Day

Last weekend I went camping and mountain biking near Sisters, Oregon at the Disciples of Dirt (DOD) semi annual Barbie Camp. It was fun. It also snowed on us. I saw Tim brand at least three people. On Sunday’s ride I got my heart rate up to 185 beats per minute. My lactic acid threshold rate is improving as well as my maximum heart rate.

Tuesday I had a blood test. I dropped by 6 Main South at Sacred Heart Medical Center. I was pleased I was able to say thank you and hug thee of my caregivers that took care of me before and after my brain surgery. They remembered me and my family too. Sacred Heart has very fine care givers. I saw the two furies and nurse thumb screws. They are very good people and excellent nurses.

I used some airline miles and flew back to California Tuesday night. It is nice to be back here in Lake Wildwood with my folks and my dogs.

Yesterday I got in some afternoon golf and I am going to make up the work time today after I finish my blog entry. I saw some beautiful, wild turkeys on the golf course. There feathers shine iridescently in the sun this time of year. Turkey are gorgeous animals and represent Mother Earth’s abundance among many other beautiful, wise, and wondrous things.

I am in the market for two trailers. A utility trailer to haul wood and rock from the national forest to my home. I am also in the market for a trailer for my bicycle. The bicycle trailer is mostly for hauling my golf clubs to the 3 miles to the golf range and back this summer. There is also some excellent camping I can do and I think Mojo and I will do some bicycle camping up on Horse Pasture Saddle Mountain this summer and star gaze if Mojo is fit enough. If Mojo is not fit enough to do the 20 mile ride we’ll camp at the trail head and do the three mile hike to the summit. 20 miles is a good jaunt for a 10 year old German Shepherd Dog and I do not want to hurt the good, old, boy.

Tuesday I have my follow up MRI at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center. I am interested in the results of this MRI. I will report back to this site what the Drs. tell me even if they report something like, “Jack, miraculously, there is no evidence of a tumor ever being inside of your skull except for that big, sexy scar on the ride side of your noggin and the big giant medical bills, lost work, and transportation costs.

Peace and Love,
Jack Burton

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