Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ancient Texts, MRI Results, Surgery, Gandhi, Wild Mountain Yoga, Thank you Dubya, Seat of the Teacher: Breathe, All You Need Is Love

Greetings from Sunny California!

I consulted the Ancient Texts and learned something or perhaps relearned something. “When in doubt, follow the 3 S’s of Anusara Yoga – Shri, Satya, and Svantantrya. Do what is life affirming, truthful, and freedom-enhancing.” That is more complicated than my decision and action process which is based on who and what I love. What I love is life affirming, truthful, and freedom-enhancing. When doing stuff like teaching yoga I think using the 3 S’s gives focus to my teaching and more clarity to the lessons.

My MRI results were interesting. There is a new image on the results that indicates that we will have an MRI next month when no MRI was scheduled. The image could be showing dead tumor from the radiation treatments in December, January, and February. That is what I think the spot the size of a dime is in the area I received the greatest dose of radiation. The spot could also be showing stuff that gives me the “heebie jeebies” so I will not give any energy to those thoughts. My University of California Doctors are happy with the results of my current treatment. I shared some of my metaphysical concerns with my doctors and what I am feeling is not brain tumor induced but part of the normal human experience.

The spot in my right temporal lobe shown in my recent MRI has me energized to ride my bicycle more and do yoga more. If the spot indicates surgery down the road I choose to be as strong and healthy as possible. I am in good shape now but there are several yoga postures I would like to manifest more beautifully. My latest physical goal is to be able to rest the crown of my head on the soul of my foot while balancing on one leg. Will I reach this goal by my birthday? "Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the result", Mahatmas Gandhi. Jack Burton has a long way to go which is so very cool that I get to experience so much improvement in my balance, strength, flexibility, and determination.

I learned an interesting factoid about my emergency craniotomy surgery that Dr. Frankenstein performed on my brain on November 21, 2007. My surgery was a good surgery but more conservative than if I had the surgery done at let’s say Duke or UCSF Medical Centers. However if I would have had surgery at one of those institutions, there would be a much greater chance now that my eyesight would be impaired. I believe I had exactly the correct surgery for me. Thank you Dr. Frankenshtone. I love my vision and thank you Artemis for going to Canada with me for my Waveform Lasik surgery before the technology was approved by the United States FDA.

I completed my second yoga class in Nevada City, California at Wild Mountain Yoga. The instructors are good and the students are nice. It is fun for me to experience new styles of yoga and yoga teachers. I think my fellow Anusara Yoga practitioners would enjoy yoga at Wild Mountain Yoga. I am experiencing as many yoga instructors as I can now that I am on a path to being a certified yoga instructor. I will probably certify in Anusara because the teaching methodology and practice is gorgeous and feels good to me and has freedom for the practitioners.

Below is a paraphrase of an entertaining article I want to include in this post for my gentle readers, .

"Thank you Dubya for your embarrassing rejection of science, your refusal to support any climate change initiative, for furthering the war-for-oil agenda, for blocking stem-cell research, for serving all your masters in Big Energy, Big Agribusiness, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Auto. Thanks for gutting the Constitution and front-loading the courts and trying to hack away at women's rights, gay marriage, privacy rights and on and on.

Because it turns out, inviting all that darkness and corruption and holding back all the energy of progress and change is less about hastening the Second Coming (sorry, better luck next time), and more like pulling back on a slingshot. It just gets tighter and tighter and the pressure builds until eventually you just gotta let go, and then boom — or I should say, Obama.

Maybe King George is exactly what we needed. Maybe Bush's brand of frighteningly inept politicking has been just the right kind of sociocultural emetic to induce a true purge of our congested system, just the thing to finally snap us out of our lethargy. Hell, sometimes you gotta go deep into the darkness to realize just how much you need the light.

So thank you, George, for exemplifying and embodying everything that's wrong with the neocon agenda, for serving as the final death knell of the failed conservative movement, of a once-noble Republican Party that's run out of ideas and has turned bitter and nasty and paranoid.

Thank you, Dubya, for setting the stage for Obama and Hillary. Because the truth is, even as recently as eight years ago, if you'd have asked if we as a nation would be anywhere near ready for a female or black president, it would have felt incredibly premature, a good 20 years off before we could entertain such an idea. But so potent has been the recoil against everything you stood for — the misogyny, homophobia, classism, fear of "the other," of foreigners and minorities and alternative beliefs — that we are ready to be inspired and reinvigorated sooner than anyone thought possible.

Thank you, George W. Bush
Without your dark and spectacular failures, we wouldn't be so ready to leap forward. Kudos!"
By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Friday, June 13, 2008

Jack Burton commends Mark Morford on his fairness and restraint in commenting on King George the duly, U.S. Supreme Court appointed President of the United States of America. I think King George should feel what it is like to be in Guantanamo for the rest of his natural life. George can go to jail after his presidency because tricky Dick may be able to do more harm than Mr. Mission Accomplished. What do you think about water boarding and electro shock you spineless, thin lipped, beady eyed coward? I suppose Jack Burton can be a little more divisive that Mark Morford. I feel good about the restraint I used in this post on my thoughts and feelings towards a very despicable manifestation of a human being. I suppose my comments about George "Silver Spoon Up His Butt" Bush has just put my home on the Office of Homeland Security's Threat Level Red. That's OK. I see color and do not typically solve problems with black or white, yes or no, this or that, and with us or against us dogma. I believe in an abundance of solutions to issues and my tool box has many tools I wield skillfully. I suppose that is why I am employed as a problem solver.

Seat of the Teacher:
Take a deep breath and hold briefly at the top of your inhale. Fully exhale and return to your natural breathing rhythm. Notice the bright green new leaves of Spring on the trees. Listen to the songs of the birds and the calls of the crows and Stellar Jays. Are you fortunate to hear the screams of the Osprey fishing? Feel each breath bring new energy and goodness into your being. Direct the goodness to parts of your being you wish to make strong, compassionate, loving, more free, or more stable. Life is good. Breathe.

Peace and Love,

Jack Burton

All You Need Is Love
The Beatles
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
There's nothing you can do that can't be done.
Nothing you can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It's easy.
There's nothing you can make that can't be made.
No one you can save that can't be saved.
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be in time
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
There's nothing you can know that isn't known.
Nothing you can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love,
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.
All you need is love (all together now)
All you need is love (everybody)
All you need is love, love, love is all you need.

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