Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Last Friday, Dr. Goodknife’s gorgeous assistants Inga and Artemis II, I met Another Patient, Spring is Near.


Last Friday I saw Dr. Goodknife for a follow up to my Anterior Cruciate Revision with Post Medial Corner Repair on my left knee. What that means is my surgeon performed some very, real, orthopedic surgeon magic on me. Dr Goodknife is a magician with cordless power tools, sharp objects, and hardware. I credit Dr. Goodknife with being very skillful, hard working, and incredibly lucky. After all, my knee operation on November 1 preceded my intense spinal headaches on November 2. Dr. Goodknife had me go back to see the anesthesiologist group on my follow up on November 13. My anesthesiologist, Dr. Morpheus administered the epidural blood patch the week before Thanksgiving which caused the right side of my body to seize like a 34 inch, hatchery, steelhead that had been clubbed on the back of the head. Two working days later I was whisked to the emergency room by an angel and two days after that I had a big chunk of tumor removed by Dr. Frankenstone in an emergency craniotomy procedure the day before Thanksgiving.

I do not know about you, but I fatigue reviewing ancient history. Friday I met Inga, Dr. Goodknife’s, gorgeous, physician assistant. It has been since my operation on November 1 that I had seen Inga. I have given Inga her name because she reminds me of the Teri Garr character in the 1974 movie, “Young Frankenstein”. Inga is funny, attractive, skillful, and has a great sense of humor. Inga is also in a relationship as are many good people. Inga is an asset to Dr. Goodknife's team. Lucky me, I have a follow up for my knee surgery in six weeks.

I am smiling thinking about visiting with Dr. Goodknife, Inga, and Dr. Goodknife's nurse, Artemis II. Artemis II makes me feel good inside like I am a good and meaningful part of this world. Artemis II has a delightful smile that reminds me the sun is shining and the song birds are playing and working in the longer days of the warm, Spring sunshine.

Saturday my mom and I drove to town and met another brain tumor patient and his wife. They are both wonderful people. It is nice sharing with people who are experiencing much the same types of things as my mother and I am. They started a blog as well, www.philography.blogspot.com. That is only partially true. There blog inspired me to start this blog. We all will be getting together again soon. I am looking forward to sharing the McKenzie Bridge area to all that are brave and sturdy enough to endure the wilds of the Oregon Cascade Mountain Range.

Sunday I rode my commuter bike 35 miles to the end of Cougar Reservoir, did a little work for my work, and worked around my yard a bit. I have to tell my physicians that I have not worked myself into enough oxygen debt riding to cause me to feel “panicky” riding. I wonder if it is I am backing off early, I am not training for a 100 mile mountain bike race, or if having the tumor removed from my skull is responsible for me being able to feel better riding. The snow is melting and the song birds are returning up here in McKenzie Bridge, Oregon. There is still some snow on Auferheide(Forest Road 19) along with rock slides and tree blow down. Spring is near.

I have not been consistent with my feelings towards Spring in this post. I did see snow yesterday fall from the sky from my office window. I did sit in the rain yesterday evening in Cougar Hot Springs with my friend and licenced massage therapist, Isis Goodhands.

Peace and Love,

Jack Burton
“Like I tell my wife, I only drive as fast as I can see.”

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