I am in! I have been admitted to 2 clinical trials through the University of California, San Francisco. One trial is for the drug Enzastaurin. Enzastaurin is under investigation to see if it is effective in blocking the function of a protein on the surface of new blood vessels that enables them to multiply and grow. As tumors grow, they need new blood vessels to grow with them in order to receive nutrients and survive. Way cool! I am all in! Let's go for it!
The other clinical trial I am happy to be involved in is a Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) study. Dr. Sarah Nelson and Dr. Dan Vigneron, have developed novel ways to assess the metabolic function of brain tumors in patients who are undergoing radiation therapy. MR spectroscopy has proven to be useful in patients in whom the question of radiation damage vs. active tumor occurs following treatment. I love this 21st Century Witchcraft. I think the technology is way cool and I am pleased to help with the research.
Brain Tumors? I trust my health care team in Springfield and Eugene, Oregon and in San Francisco, California. I have the most caring and loving health care team and they are all smoking good at their jobs and tops in their fields. I have tremendous confidence in them and I have received great comfort through their efforts.
My efforts are focused on preparing myself mentally, physically, and spiritually for this significant learning opportunity. Boss, I am chomping at the bit to get back to work. I am nearly ready for radiation, chemotherapy, and working full time as a super star, senior programmer. I am so pleased with the work of my Brain Surgeon (neurologist) Dr. McGuiver. That big, chunk of tumor that Dr. McGuiver deftly removed from my skull near my right temporal lobe and brain stem effective me in ways I would rather not experience again. Dr. McGuiver, you weild the "Tungsten, Magical, Swiss Army Knife, of Precision and Power" second to none. Dr. Goodknife, my orthopoedist, wields a magic knife arthroscopically and is skilled beyond the imagination of most surgeons, but let's face it, Dr. Goodknife is no brain surgeon.
I am relaxed and a little excited. I feel like I did when I was being trained by Master BE in Tae Kwon Do.
I was reminiscing on Monday with Master Redwood Forest and we both had a good laugh when I remembered my fight with Master BE in the Berkeley Studio preparing for my black belt testing. OK, it was much less of a fight than it was me getting trained by Master BE. I was feeling good, I was in 30 mile or so running shape, and I had been training for over 3 years in Tae Kwon Do. I respect Master BE and I was feeling relaxed and strong. I was going to get my shots in. I just knew it! Perhaps I did get a shot in or perhaps Master BE believed I was ready to see something special?
I moved into the most beautifully aligned, powerful, well aimed side kick. This piece of art caught me on the right side of my rib cage below my chest. This was the best kick I have ever had the honor to personally experience. This gorgeous side kick picked me up off the floor probably six to 12 inches and I must have flown backwards 7 to 10 feet. I landed on my backside, slid across the floor, and immediately sprung up to my feet to jump into the fire again. Master Redwood Forest immediately stopped the action or thumping if you will. He inquired if I was OK. I felt fine and Master BE continued to train me a bit more.
That night my ribs were sore, it hurt to breathe, and my chest made little clicking sounds when I moved the injured area. What a wonderful lesson Master BE gave me. I always had respect for Master BE but I regained greater appreciation of how very, very good he is. I am very grateful for Master BE's training.
I do have allot of confidence in my health care team and I know they are very, very good at their jobs. My job is to prepare my mind, body, and spirit. Their job is to do their health care magic. I am not going to be a neurologist, oncologist, radiologist, orthopedist, nurse, nutritionist, or anesthesiologist this lifetime. I am a senior programmer and a bit of an information geek. Below is a link below to a nice, 49 page, pdf, of information written most of us lay geeks can understand.
Old Friends Are Found just by contacting them or being contacted. With love as our intention, forgiveness for past time is easy. Thank you all for proving this to me. I have the best friends, family, and community ever! I have been touched by friends and family that I have not had any contact with this millennium and we picked up where we left off instantly. Actually I think our rekindled relationships are stronger than ever. How lucky am I to have a highly malignant brain tumor? I feel loved and very lucky to rekindle our relationships. I feel we all have grown since last we met and my relationships with you feel stronger and more loving than ever.
Peace and Love,
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